Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It's Fall.
It's a precious time of year that reminds as all to take care of ourselves.
When our noses start to get stuffed up we need to take that echinacea, and eat some healthy homemade soup with extra kale added that we grew ourselves.
Your body is having as hard a time as your mind is with the change of the season.
Embrace it.
Reach out and grab those leaves falling from the trees. Give extra cozy hugs to all your friends. Have a soup party. Bake bread. Dance in your wool socks while listening to your fall soundtrack - what ever that may be.
Don't forget your coat.
Don't forget to thank Mother Earth. For providing what we need. For providing us with all this- all the seasons, the things that fill you with wonder. The sun that shines through the kitchen window. The sun that's different from the summer sun but just as glorious.
Fall reminds us to take care for winter. To stock our shelves, to harvest, to bring out the sweaters and socks we forgot existed. To buy those huge squash at the market, to buy the last summer fruit you can find and freeze it so you can taste a summer-sun strawberry smoothie months from now.
It's a time when you feel relief from the hot, hot summer months.
It's a time when you make plans. When you feel excited for the Winter to come. When you look forward to cuddles and coziness and good books and knitting and candles burning and discovering things about your lover you never knew before until you took the time to lay in bed with them and stare into their eyes for 35 minutes while keeping one another warm.

Happy Equinox!
Happy Fall!

I am filled with love and wanting to share.
Here is a fall mix for you.
I am totally 100% addicted to Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks.
And Van Morrison.
And all I want to do is drink coffee and wear tights.

xo So much Love,

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