Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Um, Yes!

I just found this Metric video and I am in love with it (but mostly just with Emily Haines, the lady singer). She is SUCH a babe! Phew!

METRIC - Sick Muse - OFFICIAL VIDEO from Metric Music on Vimeo.

Check out her solo stuff too, She is a gem! Plus, she does one of the best covers of Don't think twice, it's alright , in my opinion, with her Metric band mate James Shaw (which is also one of my favorite songs to sing with Dan!). Also, they are a Canadian band, which just kind of adds to how wonderful they are.

Right now I am going out to enjoy a Shirley Temple and watch a movie at this cool restaurant called the Imperial, It's really close to where we live, and my friend Rene hosts cool movies there every Tuesday for free! Tonight he is showing Harold and Maude. In the past 2 months I have had 4 Shirley Temples, after not having them for years. They are so good!!!


1 comment:

  1. this and Stadium Love are two of my favourites off that album fo sheez
