Monday, February 22, 2010


First things first: what's "dishes" all about?

We both love food, everything from buying it to baking it, from cooking it to consuming it. For this blog, we want to share some of our ideas about cooking:

You know what's going in! If you make everything from scratch, you know what's going into your meals, and what's going into your body. We try as much as possible to buy organic products, because of the benefits to our health and the earth.

You know where it's coming from When you buy raw ingredients, it's a lot easier to figure out where your food was grown/produced. Whether you're buying carrots at the farmer's market or raisins at a bulk food store, there's usually a label, or somebody you can ask to be sure of where your food is coming from. We also try as much as possible to buy food that was produced close to home, for us right now, that means Ottawa.

It's easy! Cooking doesn't have to be a long, difficult process, you can make delicious food without a whole lot of expertise.

It's quick! Making great food doesn't have to take all afternoon, sometimes making something from scratch can be just as fast as making something out of a box.

It's delicious! If you cook all your food from scratch you control everything that goes into what you're making! So, you can choose how many potatoes to put in, or how much pepper you can handle.

Now, nobody is perfect. We can follow some of these rules all of the time, all of these rules part of the time, but it's hard to follow all these rules all of the time! However, when we choose what dishes to put on this blog, we're going to try and pick ones that exemplify all of these qualities as well as possible, because our aim is to inspire you to do the same!

So, put on an apron, open up the cupboards, fire up the stove, and whip up some dishes!

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