Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter Stir-fry

Stir-fries are great because you can just throw whatever you have into them, so they can change a whole lot based on what's available at the time. For this particular mix of ingredients, we were able to get everything from either Ontario or Quebec (except the rice, oil and spices). Plus, it's super easy, healthy, and delicious, so we figured it would be a perfect first dish to post.

Starting Time: 6:39pm

All you need in the way of equipment is a knife, a cutting board, a pan or two, a pot or two, a stove and a wooden spoon or chopsticks to stir things up. In the way of food, grab some rice, carrots, beets, onion, potato, squash, tofu, tahini, Bragg's or soy sauce, cumin, ground cloves, olive oil, and salt and pepper.

Dice the potatoes, carrots and peeled squash, and boil them until soft. Meanwhile, start cooking the rice. Fry the onion in oil until translucent, add the other veggies, and some salt and pepper to taste. Peel and cut the beets in half, and boil them. Chop up the tofu, and put it in a pan with some oil. Add some tahini, Bragg's, cumin, a pinch of cloves, and some pepper, fry until browned. When the beets are a bit soft, drain them, and cut them into chunks.

Done!: 7:17pm = 38 minutes

Put the rice into shallow bowls, add veggies, then beets, then tofu. Serve with chop sticks and Bragg's. Enjoy!

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